LULAC 4606 Northern Virgina
Becoming a Member
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We are always looking for people interested in joining our organization.

Who Can Join?

We invite anybody interested in the issues and topics we focus our efforts on to join.  Members can dedicate as much time as they wish in making a difference in our community.
General Meetings are held once a month.  Meeting times, dates and locations are posted on the "Calendar of Events" section of the web page.

Benefits of Joining

There are several benefits to becoming a member of our organization. Our members are close friends and we have a great time when we get together. Of course we also have a common interest, and we hope to further our cause.  LULAC members receive a copy of the LULAC Constitution, a membership card, a membership pin, and a complimentary subscription to the LULAC NEWS.

How Can You Join?

To join we need a completed application and membership dues for the first year.  If you want to participate in a particular committee (each program/project has a committee) please indicate this on the application. 

Full Name:
E-Mail Address:
Zip Code
Phone Number
Yes! I want to be a LULAC Member
I want more information about LULAC

Prospect members of our Council


-committed to education

-active member

-participates in monthly meetings

-votes during election of Board Members

-active participation in organization of council activities

LULAC 4606 * P.O. Box 5290 * Arlington, VA 22205-0390